During Gilwell Reunion 2015, Scout Radio’s Adam caught up with The Scout Associations Chief Executive Officer Matt Hyde to get an update on Compass and find out a little more about what’s happening and moving forward with Compass.
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Compass is the TSA’s new membership system and has seen some serious problems since its launch last year, resulting inĀ it being taken down completely at the start of this year and is now setĀ to be relaunched in January 2016.
Matt explained that the TSA understands how much of a inconvenienceĀ it hasĀ caused all members of the association and even those that work on the front line inĀ the Information Centre.
“Apologies again for the inconvenience its caused”
Most recently the system has been updated and load tested and they are very confident for a January relaunch, initially just for adult membership information, “it will look and feel like compass did before” but with increased performance and slowly more functionality will be introduced.
As part of the lessons learnt from the Compass TSAĀ hasĀ done a major review of the project, one of the main issues was that it was a “waterfall” system eg one that is massive from the start instead of that is slowly tested and developed. They have changed the way the govern projects like this and how they engage with volunteers throughout the process and from now they will start releasing small functions and growing compass, starting with the Adult data.
Finally he wanted thank all leaders
“Thank you for your patience over the last year”
All at the Scout Association areĀ working very hard to restore what will be really useful tool to help make life easier for leaders on the ground so they can deliver more life changing experiences for young people.