At Gilwell Reunion 2015, Dan from Scout Radio found out more about Cubs 100 which is taking place across 2016.
There are 4 strands to Cubs 100, the first being ‘Our Journey’ which is about activities and getting out throughout the year being active. This strand supports all areas around the programme from anywhere to getting wet and having fun, to exploring the woods and even hopefully brings in new ideas.
“We want to get people doing something different and exciting”
You can find out more about Cubs 100, and all the program resources for leaders, at the following link.
Programme ideas nationally for the coming year include an event held at Blackpool for 9000 cubs, a screening of The Jungle Book at Odeon cinemas, and there’s even a CubJam camp being held in the South with tons of young people expected to get involved and have a ball celebrating the Cub centenary!