On Saturday 13th February Scout Radio will be hosting our JamboRadio for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts everywhere.
Listen on your own, with your family, or as a group by linking up online during the day.
There will be lots of activities to join in with and we’ll be playing all your favourite songs, so save the date and keep your eyes peeled for more information coming very soon! Listen online at scout.radio/play or ask your smart-speaker to “launch scout radio”
10:00 Not Out and About
Kayleigh and the team will be opening the JamboRadio and finding out what everyone is doing and hunting down fun activities for you join in with
If you’d like to feature on the show contact Callum on [email protected]
12:00 Radiodelic

This is what happens when you add Mike from Scoutadelic to Glenn and Roger from Scout Radio. Play along to “Guess the Country” and the Sqiggle game as well as drawing your own monster and decorating a face mask. Be prepared to share your lunch with them, and help them build a weather map.
To take part you’ll need some paper, some coloured pencils, pens or crayons and a disposable face mask. (or make one out of a sheet of paper).
Glenn and Rodger help you cook up some tasty snacks in ‘Come Dine with Mead’ plus guests, chat and tunes while you have your lunch
Check back to find our what you’ll need to join in
14:00 Scoutcast
Jack and Amy are back for one day only to lead you in loads of activities and help you get some badges
We’ll be having a go at some Chinese New Year Activities, flipping some pancakes and learning some sea shanties.
Chinese New year: Pens, pencils and colours. Paper or card.
Pancakes: to join in with making pancakes you’ll need 100g flour, 250ml milk, 1 egg and a pinch of salt. Plus a frying pan and an adult to help you cook.
For our flip challenge you’ll need a frying pan plus an old CD, disk or fake pancake.
To make our valentines/thankyou card you’ll need paper or card, some ribbon or string. Pens/pencils or finger paints.
Let us know if you’ll be listening by emailing [email protected]
Badges Covered: In todays show we
Learned about greetings in another language (communicator)
Learned about festivals/gatherings in another country (world/international)
Drew dragons (artist)
Helped clean/de-clutter (Home help)
Made Pancakes (Skills)
Washed up (Skills)
Warmed up our voices (Music 1)
Clapped rhythms (Music 1)
Performed a song (Music 1)
Talked about our favourite songs and instruments (Music 1)
Made a hug card (Skills)
16:30 Scout Radio Lockdown Quiz
Get your thinking caps on as Alex, Alice and Adam (The A Team) play along with our quiz. Let us know your scores!
17:30 Request Show
While you’re having your dinner let us know what you want to hear on the radio
email [email protected]
or message us on social media
18:00 Virtual Disco
Get your dancing shoes on as we party into the night with your favourite tunes.
20:00 Scout Radio Stories
Wind down with Laura as she speaks to a special guest about their adventures. (Probably not Bear this time!)