Scout Radio

Tag: tim kidd

All The Highlights: Gilwell Reunion 2021

All The Highlights: Gilwell Reunion 2021

Interviews, Reunion, Virtual Scouting
Scout Radio celebrated Gilwell Reunion 2021 and the Scouts AGM last weekend, and amongst the usual weekend radio shows we interviewed lots of interesting guests and VIPs across the Scouting movement. Read on to find out more about thousands of free programme resources available to all sections and leaders, the new UK Chief Commissioner appointment and his plans for the future, and the 3 new National Scouting Organisations that have recently joined the latest World Scout Conference. An Interview With The New UK Chief Commissioner ā€œScouting has a bright future, young people need scouting, and a lot of us as adults need the richness that Scouting brings into our lives and how it gives us a sense of purpose and perspectiveā€ Carl Hankinson took up the role of our new UK Chief Comm...
Reunion 2016 – Tim Kidd’s first speech as UK Chief Commissioner

Reunion 2016 – Tim Kidd’s first speech as UK Chief Commissioner

Wayne Bulpitt was appointedĀ as theĀ UK Chief Commissioner in May 2009, having been in Scouting since the age of 8. After an incredible term holding the position of UKCC, he's now stepping down and passing the role over onto his deputy Tim Kidd. At a ceremony yesterday hosted at the end of the 90th anniversary of Gilwell Reunion, the handover ceremony for the role of UK Chief Commissioner took place between these two heroes of Scouting. After a tearful farewell to Wayne, Tim took to the stage with his usual air of barely suppressed cheerfulness, and showed in his opening speech just why he is the best choice in the whole of UK ScoutingĀ to follow on from Wayne Bulpitt. [soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=f...
National Scout & Guide Symphony Orchestra all set for summer performances

National Scout & Guide Symphony Orchestra all set for summer performances

Birmingham, Events, National Events, News
OverĀ 75 Scouts & Guides from all across the UK will join together this summer to form the National Scout & Guide Symphony Orchestra. The NSGSO is a week-long course where Scouts & Guides take part in music rehearsals and masterclasses, which orchestra manager Jill Bowman describes as a "week of fun, friendship and music". The course, which is celebrating it's 40th Birthday nearly didn't go ahead this year after the orchestra was closed down in December. Jack is from Ipswich and set up a very successful petition to save theĀ NSGSO. He thinks music and Scouting is an important combination: "Music is a very team based activity which goes very well with Scouting & Guiding because some of the main things we do is leading, encouraging others to lead and also knowing when to ste...