Scout Radio

WSJ2015: Unit 10 The Scouts of the Round Table

We caught up with Chloe and Amelia from Unit 10 The Scouts of the Round Table from Hampshire and the Isle of Wight scouts. They were having a fantastic time, commenting on how friendly and nice everyone is.

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They did their home hospitality before the Jamboree and had very cultural and exciting experience.

“It was amazing there was about 20 of us, our scouts with our HoHo families other kids and other leaders from the area it was amazing”

Even though we caught them towards the end of the Jamboree they still have loads to do that and very excited to be doing things like the science zone and badge swapping.

Looking forward to 2019 they recommend that their fellow scouts should do anything they can to attend, and not to be put off by any stories or even finances as there are lots of support and help out there.

To catch more of our coverage of the World Scout Jamboree head to